




Xiangxu traffic: Timely maintenance for traffic sign is needed

Title:Xiangxu traffic: Timely maintenance for traffic sign is needed

Today, we can read many news about a “hide and seek” game are playing between traffic sign and us. Such as a traffic sign hided behind trees and hard to noticed. And we can also find that there are many new named road with old street name sign or traffic sign. Those are taking inconvenient to our life. And question coming, How to solve those?

Thousands of traffic signs, has played an important role in maintaining smooth traffic in the city,Never use “humble” to describe its. Special nature and mission also demand that they must be “noticed” or “markedness”,Do a “check-up” for traffic sign is necessary. It can also form a “annual inspection” ,”Monthly inspection,” and  “Daily Inspection” based on that. Let the old lag traffic signs laid off promptly, and then the eyes of city(traffic sign) will be more Markedness.

Routine maintenance of traffic signs will relate to a safe,comfortable, fast, and efficient driving directly. Except increasing more traffic information on road, a timly checking for sign board and stand will be also needed after natural disaster or traffic accident. A cleaning of screen or higher trees and grass are important, especially in spring or summer.

We analysis that people need more and more information about traffic. A large number of new roads have been developed and named,Traffic signs installed before are not enough today.What we need to do are a regular check, street name signs update, adjust of new road or accident blackspot.

Xiangxu traffic, Quality assurance for survival, reputation for development,

Service Tel: 400-081-6619